— by Gabi Stevenson, Communications Manager

Brigette Indelicato isn’t just an adjunct Graphic Design professor—she’s also a Moore alumna. Six months after graduating in 2010, she got her first full-time job at the Franklin Institute through a connection at Moore. She then pursued new opportunities at places like BDO and Casa Papel, eventually landing as a full-time freelance graphic designer in the board game industry. Her game graphic design credits include War Chest, Penny Black, Zoo Vadis, Santa Monica, Dice Miner and Votes for Women, in addition to over 50 other game titles.

Indelicato began teaching at Moore in 2020 under Graphic Design Program Head and Professor Gigi McGee, who taught her as a student.

Read on to learn more about Brigette!

What’s your earliest memory of being creative or knowing that you wanted to do something creative with your life?

My mom is a very creative person. She was an interior designer and does acrylic painting, so I grew up having art time for as long as I can remember. I’ve always enjoyed crafts, drawing and painting—whatever I could get my hands on as a kid.

I always enjoyed it as a hobby, but in high school, I took a graphic design class as an elective. That’s the reason I wanted to get up for school in the morning: I wanted to keep working on my graphic design projects. That’s when something really clicked and I felt like creativity could be a career option.

Who is the artist or designer who has influenced you most and why?

The graphic design teacher I had in high school was actually the reason I came to Moore. She had a big influence on me. She recommended me for the Visionary Honors scholarship. I hadn’t even heard of Moore until I got nominated for it. When I received the scholarship, it definitely influenced me to go to Moore.

A graphic designer in the field that I really admire is named Kelli Anderson. She really stretches the limit of her craft and does experiments with paper folding, pop-up books and risograph animation. Her work is interactive even though they’re print. She inspires me to consider how I can think outside the box with my own work.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done recently, professionally or otherwise?

I recently published a card game that I helped invent. It’s a storytelling game called The Plot Thickens. I came up with the idea, play-tested it and created the game with two friends. I did all the visual elements of graphic design, art direction, logo design and branding.

It was a long journey to this point, but it got picked up by a publisher. It came out in the summer of 2023 at Gen Con, which is the biggest board game convention in the United States. It’s available on Amazon and bookstores across the country and in Europe.

I played the game with students at a game night in the library and chatted with them about it. It’s been really exciting!

What is it like in your classroom at Moore?

I try to create an environment that’s open and a good space for experimentation. As graphic designers, we really have to focus on client needs when we get into the field, so there’s not always a ton of creative freedom. I try to leave as much space for that in the classroom as I can by letting students choose the topics of their projects.

I also try to make connections between what we’re learning and how students will use those skills in the workplace. For my 3D Applications class, which focuses on package design and exhibit design, I always bring in a professional package designer to speak with the class for that part of the semester. We also take field trips to talk with exhibit designers at the Franklin Institute, since I have that connection. I try to involve as much outside perspective as I can.

If Moore had a mascot, what would it be?

I don’t know if I have a specific character in mind, but whatever it is, it has to be really unique and depicted in a lot of different ways. I’m thinking about a mythical creature or a cryptid.


Photos courtesy of Brigette Indelicato.