In addition to the $1,000 every student receives for an internship between their junior and senior year, Moore offers students the opportunity to apply for fellowships and scholarships that support them financially as they refine their skills, travel abroad and pursue their dreams.
Read on to meet Luna Wroblewski '24, a Photography major, transfer student and fellowship winner who traveled to Kyoto, Japan, for her Unique Experiential Learning Opportunity (UELO) focused on cultural street photography.
Luna Wroblewski '24 may have discovered her passion for language before she came to Moore, but it's guided her artistic views since she stepped foot on campus for the first time.
The Photography major and Visionary Honors scholar was inspired by the Japanese grocery store near her home in northern New Jersey. She liked that Japanese uses a different writing system than English, so she started practicing before transferring to Moore from County College of Morris.
More than two years into the endeavor, Wroblewski was able to put her skills to good use. After she was awarded the Fitzgibbon International Travel Internship Fellowship, she put the scholarship's financial award towards her Unique Experiential Learning Opportunity (UELO) in Kyoto, Japan.
Wroblewski had never traveled internationally before embarking on Moore's study abraod trip to London before the spring 2023 semester. A few months later, she was on a flight to Japan. She soon settled into a shared townhouse near Kyoto University, where she felt "fully immersed in the college experience" even though she wasn't taking classes.
Her UELO project consisted of two elements. In an effort to return to street photography after years of studio work, Wroblewski traveled around the country to document the story of her summer. She wanted to emphasize how history collided with contemporary society in Kyoto and beyond.
"In the studio, I can take a few photos and know I got the shot because I'm able to control the environment. On this trip, I would go back home and have no clue what I was about to see," she said. "It was definitely a challenge to go back to something I hadn't done in a long time, but now I'm a lot more confident in that style of photography."
A photo Wroblewski took during her summer in Japan.
While working on her language skills, she also developed an appreciation for traditional Japanese craftwork. The second part of her UELO focused on interviews with artisans in trades like kimono dressing, tea ceremony and sashiko, a type of functional embroidery. She often attended their workshops, which allowed her to engage with each practice firsthand.
Before leaving for Japan, Wroblewski worked with cultural anthropologist and Associate Professor Kelly Kirby to write interview questions that were respectful and ethical. Throughout her summer in Koyoto, she worked regularly with her mentor, photographer Hrvoje Slovenc, to refine her work. She now shares her photos and interviews in her online portfolio.
A coaster Wroblewski made in a sashiko workshop.
The trip was a life-changing experience both personally and professionally. On weekends, Wroblewski attended language exchange events, where she made friends from all around the globe.
Back in Philadelphia, Wroblewski wasn't the only one getting inspired by her travels.
"A lot of undergraduate Photography students want to go abroad for their internships and are applying for the same fellowship I got. People saw me go in this trip and asked if it was possible for them," Wroblewski said.
Wroblewski credits Shakeyia Kersey and Dana Cornacchio, the team that runs the Locks Career Center, with helping her get her project off the ground. She said she worked closely with them throughout the application process.
"I think I was [at the Locks Career Center] multiple times a week. I don't think I could have done it without them—they're a godsend. They helped me so much and really wanted to see me get approved for this project," she said.
Wroblewski's love for world culture, bolstered by support from Moore, sparked big dreams for her post-graduate journey. She wants to return to Japan to promote cultural exchange through the Japanese Embassy's Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) program. She was also given a scholarship to attend Moore's Art Education Master's program and hopes to pursure a PhD in education or anthropology.
"Moore offers a lot of opportunities and is really generous when it comes to helping their students financially. I think that's something that really makes Moore stand out from other schools: the competitive financial aid packages they offer students," she said.
Her advice for future students is to seek out the many resources the College has offer.
"There's a level of intimacy and level of attention to each and every student at Moore that you don't always get at other art schools," Wroblewski said. "The faculty and staff are all here to help. You just have to ask."
Want to learn more about UELOs, fellowships and scholarships for travel, internships and more? Schedule an appointment with Locks Career Center Director Shakeyia Kersey at skersey@moore.edu or 215.965.4010. You can also check out the Fellowships and Senior Awards Lib Guide for more helpful information here.