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  • Residency Dates: Monday, June 23, 2025 – Monday, June 30, 2025
  • Deposit Deadline: April 15
  • Tuition Deadline: May 15
  • Week-long studio-based residency built for art educators of all genders
  • Earn 40+ Act 48-eligible professional development hours
  • 24-hour access to dedicated studio space with natural lighting in Moore’s Fine Arts studios
  • Facilitators-led creative workshops, invigorating speaker series & catered lunches included!
  • Lodging optional 
"The Summer Artist / Educator Residency is a great way to refresh skills and connect to other artist and educators. Attending SAER can reconnect you to the heart and reasoning behind your art practice."- SAER Participant


Space is limited and we strongly recommend depositing as soon as possible.

  1. Submit your non-refundable $150 deposit before April 15, 2025 
  2. Submit your remaining $935 tuition fee and studio contract before May 15, 2025
  3. Plan your trip to Philadelphia or explore optional on-campus housing for an additional fee of $620 ($89/night)
  4. Join Moore's Art Teacher List to receive student scholarships for upcoming youth programs!

For assistance, please contact our team at or call 215-965-4030.

SAER 2023 participant smiling while working on her painting on an easel


The Summer Artist / Educator Residency (SAER) is a studio-based artist residency built for nationwide art educators and teaching artists. This week-long studio residency is located at Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our focus is to uplift creative educators with professional development hours and dedicated studio space to experiment, research, and reflect. This dynamic environment gives educators dedicated time to make art, create connections with peers, and discover new skills for the classroom. 

"This was the most joyous and fulfilling experience EVER (...) it was the most beneficial course I have ever taken as an artist/teacher!" - SAER 2023 Participant

SAER 2023 instructor giving feedback to a student in the studio. More students working in the background.


Take your studio and teaching practice to the next level while accruing up to 40 PA Act 48-eligible professional continuing education hours! Experience all the best parts of being an art student again in Moore's immersive collegiate environment featuring critiques with instructors, live demos, workshops, an invigorating speaker series, and the opportunity to exhibit work at an exclusive open studio night event for friends and family to attend. Participants also receive a FREE year-long pass to attend art education conferences at Moore for an additional 10 professional development hours.

Pennsylvania certified teachers receive Act 48 hours and out-of-state teachers receive documentation of professional continuing education hours.  The tuition includes 24-hour studio access, professional instruction, professional development hours and catered lunches.

"The facilitators made us go deep and really feel the reasons for being here. My facilitator was professional, intelligent, talented, and also a great resource. (She) overall was a joy…her energy and warmth made it feel safe to explore new things!" - SAER 2022 Participant

SAER 2023 participant working on artwork in the studio


  • 40 PA Act 48 hours PLUS one year pass to Art Education conferences at Moore (10 additional Act 48 hours!)
  • 24-hour access to dedicated studio space with natural lighting in Moore’s Fine Arts studios
  • Invigorating speaker series and studio critiques with facilitators
  • Learn more about our graduate programs and student scholarships
  • Materials & Techniques demonstrations
  • Get to know Philadelphia with field trips to our favorite arts and culture destinations
  • Catered lunches & so much more!
  • Explore on-campus housing for an additional fee

Optional short-term housing for SAER participants is available on campus at an exclusive discounted rate. If you would like to book housing for the duration of the program for this additional fee, you can register online, reach out to our team at or call 215 965 4030. Local participants within traveling distance to the campus also have the option to commute from home. 

Moore is a Pennsylvania Act 48 Approved Provider and all credit courses offered by the College satisfy Act 48 regulations. To request a course be reported to the PA Dept. of Education, check the Act 48 box on the registration form.

Written notification of withdrawal must be submitted to the Continuing Education Department by email to No refunds are to be given to participants asked to leave SAER for violations of policies or regulations. Program costs are refunded according to the following schedule: 

Withdrawal prior to May 20: 100% minus nonrefundable $150 Deposit

Withdrawal prior to June 3: 70% minus nonrefundable $150 Deposit

Withdrawal after June 3: no refund 

Please allow 4-6 weeks for the processing of refunds 

Moore reserves the right to withdraw courses, alter its curriculum, change instructors or modify tuition. Portions of this publication are subject to change without notice. Courses not meeting minimum enrollment are canceled. All attempts are made to notify registered students before the start of the course and all course fees are refunded within 2-4 weeks.

Refresh, Refocus & Reconnect

Please contact Moore’s Continuing Education office for more information about these opportunities. Follow our social media channels @moorecollegeart for continued updates and thank you for your interest in Moore and SAER!