
A new book by inaugural Walentas Fellow Caroline Woolard is now available.

The book, Art, Engagement, Economy: The Working Practice of Caroline Woolard, is the culmination of her 2018-2020 fellowship at Moore College of Art & Design. Get a free PDF here.

Readers follow the behind-the-scenes work that is required to produce interdisciplinary art projects, from a commission at MoMA to a self-organized, international barter network with over 20,000 participants. With contextual analysis of the political economy of the arts, from the financial crisis of 2008 to the COVID pandemic of 2020, this book suggests that artists can bring studio-based sculptural techniques to an approach to art-making that emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue.

The book will be launched along with an online publishing workshop Friday, October 23rd from noon to 2 pm.

The Jane and David Walentas Endowed Fellowship, endowed by Jane Zimmerman Walentas, who graduated from Moore in 1966, and her husband, David, underscores Moore’s ongoing commitment to social engagement by offering opportunities to thoughtful artists who bring their vision for the future of cultural production to the Moore community and the larger artistic community of Philadelphia. Woolard was the 2018-2020 Walentas fellow.