Above: Detail of Gregory Wilkin, Harriet Hancock Center, Melrose Heights, Columbia, 2020, oil on panel, 14 x 18 in.
Philadelphia, PA — A new exhibition at The Galleries at Moore takes us behind the screens of the people we see during video calls and into their living spaces. Collections: Art We Love features works that are from the home collections of staff and faculty members of Moore College of Art & Design, appearing February 2 through March 26, 2021 in The Galleries, 1916 Race Street, located on The Parkway. In accordance with Moore’s guidelines, indoor exhibitions at The Galleries are tentatively closed to the public until further notice because of COVID-19, but some of the exhibition can be viewed from Race Street.
“We've welcomed students and colleagues into our homes virtually and it's been interesting to see the colorful walls, windows, light fixtures, pets, plants, books, tchotchkes, and all kinds of other stuff in those tiny Zoom frames,” said Gabrielle Lavin Suzenski, Rochelle F. Levy Director of The Galleries at Moore. “We’re bringing some of the art and design from those virtual snapshots into The Galleries at Moore for our internal community to experience in person.”
One of the rules of the exhibition is that the submitted art cannot have been made by the faculty or staff person.
“It should be someone else's creation—it doesn't matter who, just that it's ready to display,” said Suzenski. Participants also had to identify the artist or maker of the piece, describe their connection to it, and tell why they are drawn to it. Artwork submitted for the exhibition includes charcoal drawings, oil paintings, watercolor paintings, sculptures, photography and objects.
While the public can’t come into The Galleries to see the exhibition, parts of it will be viewable from Race Street.
“I’m planning a voyeuristic view into my home,” Suzenski said. “I am recreating parts of my dining and living rooms with my mid-century furniture, original art, lighting and other items.”