Kristin Brivchik’s Superpowers:
- Intuition & Confidence. I’ve always had amazing intuition, but what I’ve developed over the years is my confidence to trust it and blaze my own path.
- Fearless. No, I’m not jumping out of planes, but as I built my career, I’ve always remembered the quote from Nelson Mandela (who, BTW, I got to see when he visited Philadelphia in 1993 to receive the Liberty Medal): “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” And I didn’t always win, but I didn’t give up either, and always took the next step forward.
- My unconditional love for animals. I’m around people all day and that can be sometimes be exhausting. I usually wake up to a cat (or two) sleeping on my shoulder and two resident squirrels waiting on the deck for their hand-fed morning almonds. I don’t trust people who don’t like animals!
From Disney to FX Networks, Moore Graphic Design alum Kristin Brivchik ’95 has been at the forefront of changes to the creative digital industry since the very beginning of her career. She started as a senior digital artist for Disney in 1996, a job she landed within a year after graduating from Moore.
“The digital world—and the world in general—looked very different than it does now,” Brivchik describes. “I feel very fortunate that I had the opportunity to be part of an emerging industry that developed and grew so quickly, and completely changed the way we consume content and entertainment.”
Brivchik is still shaping the way we consume content and entertainment, as the director of digital video and multiplatform marketing for FX Networks. Looking back across her career to her time in college, Brivchik remains grateful for the foundation she received at Moore, and describes the influence her college experience had on her both personally and professionally.
“Throughout my time [at Moore], I had the privilege of being mentored by some of the most brilliant and caring professors,” she says. “They challenged me to think critically, to question the status quo, and to never stop seeking knowledge. These lessons went far beyond the classroom and have stayed with me in my personal and professional life. There is no way I could have imagined the career I would have 27 years later.”
Brivchik’s advice for Moore students also goes beyond the classroom.
“College life isn't just about academics,” she says. “It's about personal growth and discovering who YOU are. Your time at Moore is a precious chapter in your life. Embrace it fully, make the most of every opportunity, and cherish the friendships you build here. College is not just about preparing for a career; it's about preparing for life.”
Kristin Brivchik will be the keynote speaker at Moore’s Fall Open House on Saturday, October 21. Click here to register for this event and to hear more from Brivchik about her work at FX Networks and her advice for future Moore students!