132 Results for: “alumni”
As the Director and Associate Professor of Moore’s Art Education program, Lauren Stichter was honored with two major awards at the event.
Moore College of Art & Design and ArtistYear will provide art students and art educators with new teaching and learning opportunities.
Both outlets spoke with Moore president Cathy Young and former University of the Arts students moving in to Moore about their transition.
Moore alums are soaring in their fields, using their unique talents and skills as artists and designers to make a difference in the world around them. Meet Megan Barker ’17, an Animation & Game Arts hero, and learn more about her career since her time at Moore.
Moore Aluminaries celebrates some of the College's most accomplished and inspiring graduates.
Moore alums are soaring in their fields, using their unique talents and skills as artists and designers to make a difference in the world around them. Meet Savannah Vetter ’20, a Fine Arts Hero! Learn more about her career since her time at Moore.
Moore alums are soaring in their fields, using their unique talents and skills as artists and designers to make a difference in the world around them. Meet Taylor Baldwin ’18, a Photography hero, and learn more about her career since her time at Moore.
Read the full text of "Paying it Forward" that appears in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Moore Magazine.
Read the full version of "50 Years of The Clay Studio" that appears in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Moore Magazine.
Read the full version of "A Mentor in More Ways Than One" that appears in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Moore Magazine.