71 Results for: Press Releases
"Always Chasing Rainbows" transforms Dorothy’s oddly matched companions into an assortment of visual misnomers and objects associated with suburban lawn décor, property protection, and spectated punishment.
The project, called “Exploring Our Neighborhoods: Norris Square,” will engage residents of all generations of the historic Puerto Rican Norris Square neighborhood in artmaking, skills-sharing and idea exchanges.
Moore College of Art & Design and Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) have signed a new agreement that will allow students to seamlessly transfer to Moore, a historically all-women’s visual arts college, to complete their bachelor’s degrees. Representatives from Moore and MCCC signed the agreement Wednesday, September 9.
The World Needs Moore: Moore College of Art & Design Gets a Fresh Look with New Logo, School Colors
CategoryPostedMoore College of Art & Design, the first and only historically all-women’s art and design school in the nation, is unveiling a new look during this challenging year. A new logo, along with updated colors and a new typeface, are the hallmarks of a more contemporary brand for the College and its ecosystem of academic programs, which include co-ed graduate studies, youth education and adult continuing education offerings.
Moore College of Art & Design will present its 2020 Visionary Woman Awards to interior designer Barbara Eberlein and photographer Susan Unterberg.
Moore College of Art & Design is honored to announce the selection of artist Alicia Grullón as the 2020 recipient of the Jane and David Walentas Endowed Fellowship.
Philadelphia, PA – Moore's traditional Senior Show exhibition, where student artists present their work to the public and potential employers in The Galleries at Moore, will become a dynamic legacy event in digital space to honor the graduating Class of 2020.