Above: Poster designed by Abigail Obfenda '23.
Sophomore and junior Graphic Design and Illustration students in the Typography I classes at Moore have designed posters outlining issues they care about in the 2020 election as well as celebrating the 100th anniversary of women's voting rights.
"Inspired by my sabbatical work, I developed a student project to get the students thinking about the importance of voting," said Graphic Design Professor Gigi McGee<. "I had them pick an issue and develop a logo using either 'Women Vote' or 'Vote 2020.' The students selected a topic of importance to them and developed a visual." They considered issues like the global pandemic, the response to racial inequality, the impact of Supreme Court appointments, the fallout from global warming, as well as the economy, foreign policy and health care.
Left: Annais Delgado '23. Delgado wrote "Voting is a source of power and because of this it is one of the many lines of division we must overcome. As we organize to fight against poverty, systemic racism, climate devastation, and more, the right to participate in a democracy must be demanded. Immigrants make up a large demographic of the US population yet more than half of them are not allowed to vote. The power of the vote is not realized when the immigrant community, black communities, First Nation communities, Puerto Ricans, the poor and criminalized communities re disenfranchised. Anyone who can vote must keep these communities and their rights in mind during this election season."
Right: Ariana Runner '22. Runner wrote "I wanted to make a simple and symbolic image that encourages people to vote, specifically with a mail-in-ballot as an extra safety measure during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Voting is a right we are all entitled to, so I encourage you to visit the link requestballot.org if you have not already and make plans to vote this November.
Participating students in McGee's classes were Allison Christensen, Annais Delgado, Chloe Grucza, Candy Herrera-Mateo, Emily Konczewski, Adri Moore, Alina Naumchuk, Abigail Obfenda, Isabella Piagentini, Emma Selby, Melanie Bambrick, Alex Bogdan, Andrea Brogunier, Jessica Buccigrossi, Brianna Danchenko, Olivia Downs, Lindsey Dugger, Sarah Farina, Shawna Heiss, Jet Jakob, Elena Maldonado, Kayla Marable, Ariana Runner, Emonii Toplyn-Villinger and Loren Williams.
Funderwhite's Graphic Design students made posters for the "Get Out the Vote: Empowering the Women’s Vote" campaign for the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) National digital exhibition. 2020 marks the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote in 1920.
"This campaign aspires to not only support voter participation, but to also serve as a backdrop for dialogue and examination of the history of voting rights and women's fight for equality," Funderwhite said.
Funderwhite's students include Daniela Balducci, Devon Bojtschewsky, Natalie Cosentini, Dariel Davis, Annais Delgado, Christina Ives, Helena Jordan, Zonnel Jane Magante and Katie Rosenberger. Their posters are currently on view online in AIGA's gallery.
Left: Poster designed by Natalie Cosentini.
Below right: Poster designed by Dariel Davis.