The Stahl Legacy Society
because the world needs MOORE
Louise Stahl ’42 was not only a Moore graduate, but a longstanding faculty member whose teachings on color theory made a fundamental impression on five generations of Moore students. Who better to represent the lasting impact that one person can leave behind at Moore? No matter the size of the gift, we honor the enduring impact of our loyal donors’ planned giving through enrollment in the Stahl Legacy Society.
Why join the Stahl Legacy Society?
Notification of your gift enables Moore to confidently plan for its future—ensuring students and the greater community access to world-class art and education.
Planned giving offers an opportunity for you to give back, regardless of your ability to give currently. By thinking ahead, we can work with you to ensure that your philanthropic intentions are honored, and we’ll be able to thank you today on behalf of generations to come.
Becoming a Member
Lifetime membership is extended to loyal donors who have made an enduring impact at the College through planned giving. There are many ways to give, and we honor gifts of all sizes.
Gifts by will are an easy and powerful way to show support. This type of bequest can be made in the form of a specific dollar amount or property, or a percentage of the remainder of an estate. A bequest to Moore may be deductible from your taxable estate and thus may help your loved ones by reducing or avoiding estate taxes.
Make a gift and generate a lifetime income stream for yourself or another beneficiary for as long as it is needed—this is a wonderful way to support Moore while providing for loved ones. Moore offers a variety of options, including Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts.
Name Moore as a beneficiary of your IRA or qualified retirement plan. Because we are not subject to federal income tax or estate tax liabilities, the full fair-market value of your gift will directly support the Moore mission.
Designate Moore as the beneficiary of a paid-up insurance policy. Your forward thinking may result in a gift that far exceeds the original investment.
The IRA Charitable Rollover allows those age 70 ½ and older to give up to $100,000 from their IRA to Moore through a direct transfer. The transfer satisfies required distributions and doesn’t trigger taxable income. If you are not itemizing deductions, a direct transfer holds a larger tax benefit for you—regardless of your income level.
We're Here to Help
To let us know that you would like to join the Stahl Legacy Society or to request more information about planned giving:If you are a personal representative, philanthropic advisor, executor, trustee or associated professional:
Settling the estate of a family member, friend, colleague or client can be a challenging task. If you are responsible for administering a bequest or other estate gift to benefit the College, please contact the Advancement Office at Moore to ensure that the donor’s intentions are honored.
Send mail correspondence to:
Moore College of Art & Design does not provide legal, tax or financial advice. We strongly recommend that you consult professional advisors on all legal, tax or financial matters, including gift planning considerations. To ensure compliance with certain IRS requirements, we disclose to you that this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties.