Please send information about your recent, current and upcoming accomplishments, exhibitions!

Fall/Winter Magazine - Submissions: January 2024 to October 1 2024

Spring/Summer Magazine - Submissions: October 2024 to March 2025

Fall Convocation - Submissions: AY24-25

* = required field

Name (as it would appear in publication) *

Exhibition Information

Please include details such as: Location of Exhibit/Show, Title of Exhibit/Show, Name of Gallery, Location of Gallery, Date/s that work will be shown, Reception date, What kind of show was it?: Solo, Group or 2 person

(200 word max)

Reception date
What kind of show was it?

Publication Information

Please include details such as: Title of Publication, Journal name/(where it is being published), Publisher (if applicable), Issue, Date/s of Publication

(200 word max)

Date/s of Publication

Design, Project or Award Information

Please include details such as: Name of Project or Award, Article/Publication, Design Launch

(200 word max)

Other Professional Activities or Accomplishments Information

Please include details such as: Presenting at a conference, Overview of presentation, Date/s, City & State (200 word max)

For magazine submissions only

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