Anna Russell Jones Award Application

Moore College of Art & Design values diversity in all aspects of the College community, and is committed to achieving increased diversity among its student body. Moore has established the Anna Russell Jones Award and hopes to enhance diversity by encouraging traditionally underrepresented minority students and financially disadvantaged students to apply for the award. All students can apply and all applicants will be considered.


Anna Russell Jones ’22 was the first African American graduate of Moore and a highly esteemed textile designer and medical illustrator. She returned to Moore for post-graduate work in textiles, and in 1987 was awarded an Honorary Degree, Doctorate of Fine Arts. In 1995, the same year that she passed, Jones was among the inaugural group of Moore’s Distinguished Alumni Awardees. Her papers are held at the African American Museum in Philadelphia.

Moore anticipates that this award will subsidize students’ purchase of art kits, books, transportation costs and meals during the current or next academic semester. All full-time BFA students enrolled at Moore for at least one semester will be eligible for the award.

Typical awards range from $300-500 and can be used toward the current or next academic semester. Preference will be given to undergraduates with a minimum 2.0 GPA, and award recipients will receive an invitation to provide an impact statement after receiving the award.